Once there was a kingdom where all the subjects were given a basket of scraps. Everyone’s basket was equal with the amount of scraps, however they varied greatly in variety throughout the kingdom.
There were a few rules set forth with these scraps…the subjects were admonished to take what scraps were dealt them and make something beautiful out of them. Another rule was set forth stating they could not trade back and forth for the mixture they wanted, rather, they could only share what they had through acts of true service, otherwise, they had to make do with what they were dealt.
The scraps had darks, lights, mediums and sparklers mixed throughout, however no two baskets were alike with their scraps.
There was a cry of dismay go throughout the kingdom. That’s so unfair, we don’t particularly want what was given to us.
As time went on, the subjects began to see that LIFE HAPPENS. Sometimes we are presented with grave disappointment—maybe in a failed relationship or unsatisfactory outcome. Sometimes others let us down. There are times when we experience grief and sorrow. Perhaps we found out some heartbreaking news or witness the passing of a loved one. I like to call these scraps the DARKS—they add depth. Because we experience them, it adds a new dimension to our lives that we only get by being acquainted with them.
The next group of scraps were broken down into LIGHTS—the blessings that life affords us such as shelter, food, good health and the beauties and wonders of nature, the little moments that take your breath away and you feel thankful. The lights offer sharp contrast to the darks and we appreciate more the lights when we experience the darks.
SPARKLERS come next, for they do just that, sparkle. They are the rays of sunshine on a cloudy day, the small unexpected acts of kindness, the pure joys life has to offer us such as the birth of a child, the magic of believing and the joys derived from service to others. They let us know that hope springs eternal.
Last but not least come the MEDIUMS. They are life’s constants, such as work, family, and friends. They are the glue that holds us together and create balance out of chaos. We often take the mediums for granted because they are blenders. Often they go about unnoticed, but are very necessary.
When the subjects set about trying to make something beautiful with what they were dealt, some found there was no balance, that the dark sometimes overwhelmed the light and they were lacking luster. Soon, the subjects began to discover that by truly giving of themselves, they were able to give to each other some lights and sparklers and in turn greatly enriched their own lives and felt for the first time what it means to be selfless.
Over time, with combined efforts and great giving from one to another, the most beautiful tapestry was woven with tremendous depth, beautiful heights through the lights and an added punch from the sparklers. It was a treasure which truly stood out in the kingdom, because the beauty could not be bought, but only shared. By accepting one another and their difficulties and working together, they learned that even though LIFE HAPPENS, it can be enriching, lovely and of great worth. The subjects began to realize, that no matter what their particular station was in life, all subjects stood on equal ground when it came to life. Sometimes we can control what happens by our choices, but oft times we cannot, and need to have the grace to accept what may lay ahead. It was also discovered that through the darkest of scaps came the most beautiful rainbows of sparkle.
May we go about continuing to build on the beautiful tapestry of life. Share your joys and abundance with those less fortunate. Be friendly and show small acts of kindness along your way and before long, your tapestry will radiate the beauty of your life and what you make from it. Happy New Year to all my bloggity friends and may 2009 be a year worth remembering and treasuring. Make beautiful quilts and tapestries and last but not least, enjoy the journey!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
A couple of great pillows that my sisters made for my mother
My sister, Heather embroidered and put together the pillow in pink. She gave it to my mother for either a birthday or Christmas. My sisters, Heather and Rose stitched and put together the pillow with the quote from the Grinch that stole Christmas. I took a picture of the back as well as it is so cute. They gave this to my mother for Christmas. I just love it. The Grinch is one of my most favorite holiday movies.

My mother's Christmas present this year from my sister, Carolyn
The Chinese Block Quilt
A couple of years ago, myself and my four sisters pieced the blocks for this lovely quilt. The pattern dates back to the 30's and we put it together and had it quilted with a lovely old fashioned clam shell pattern to keep in line with the antique pattern. What a fun quilt this was and it was even more fun keeping the secret away from our mom till Christmas that year.
Monday, December 22, 2008
What to get your single brother who is 32 and hates Christmas...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Journal Covers....
I have been practicing making journal covers for the composition notebook. I made one up for my sister, Carolyn, for Christmas. I'm still trying to perfect it so it is a work in progress. I have had a lot of fun doing this. The sky is the limit....oh, by the way, I got the quote off of Vivian's blog and I just loved it. Thanks Vivian!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Tree Skirts--the dressing of the tree...
I've always loved the tree skirts for the Christmas tree. These are two of my tree skirts. The little one we did in our quilt guild out of scraps. I believe it was a Thimbleberry pattern. The nativity tree skirt I did for the store last year. I remember how excited I was to make it because it was a nativity tree skirt. Nancy Halverson did the pattern. Can you tell I love her designs??? Anyway, I think the closer we get to Christ on Christmas and remember that this celebration really is about him, the happier we are and the more we are reminded to be like him.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Star Santa
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Yipee Skipee--it is finished and ready for the store...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Fun times at the quilt guild Christmas party.
Fun was had by all at the quilt guild Christmas party. We had an ornament exchange, fondue with cheese sauce for the vegetables and meats and chocolate for the cookies, fruit and delectables. Great food, great company. Last but not least we had my favorite, show and share. The following pictures are of the fabulous quilts that have been made by the members of the quilt guild.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
More Nancy Halverson Christmas
And the stockings were hung....
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The apple quilt top is finished!!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Gift Exchange for Quilt Guild
Thursday, November 27, 2008
My Thankful List
On this day of Thanksgiving....Here is my thankful list. Please know that if I listed absolutely everything that I'm thankful for, the list would go on forever.
1. I'm thankful for my family.
2. I'm thankful for my sweet husband.
3. I'm thankful for my children...sometimes this is a mixed emotion..hahaha
4. I'm thankful for a home.
5. I'm thankful for food to eat.
6. I'm thankful for transportation.
7. I'm thankful for hobbies....life would not be worth living if there was nothing to distract us from the hard times.
8. I'm thankful for fabric....love fabric with all my heart. It speaks to me.
9. I'm thankful for friends. They truly are the spice of life. They bring me great joy and teach me so much.
10. I'm thankful for a great job and the world's best boss. I'm spoiled rotten.
Everyone enjoy the few remaining hours of this most THANKFUL holiday and reflect upon the many bounties we have been given. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!
1. I'm thankful for my family.
2. I'm thankful for my sweet husband.
3. I'm thankful for my children...sometimes this is a mixed emotion..hahaha
4. I'm thankful for a home.
5. I'm thankful for food to eat.
6. I'm thankful for transportation.
7. I'm thankful for hobbies....life would not be worth living if there was nothing to distract us from the hard times.
8. I'm thankful for fabric....love fabric with all my heart. It speaks to me.
9. I'm thankful for friends. They truly are the spice of life. They bring me great joy and teach me so much.
10. I'm thankful for a great job and the world's best boss. I'm spoiled rotten.
Everyone enjoy the few remaining hours of this most THANKFUL holiday and reflect upon the many bounties we have been given. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Let it snow, let it snow....but wait until Christmas!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What does one do with leftover quilt blocks???
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Duck, Duck, Goose
Here is a sampling of some of the blocks that I have constructed so far....

I found that on the duck blocks that you really need to square up each triangle to have a completed block that looks good and symmetrical.

The pattern is called Duck, Duck, Goose. It has a few pieces to sew together per block, however, an intermediate can handle it with ease. If you are a beginner, have a more experienced quilter nearby.

I get to make another quilt for the store, using a pattern from one of my favorite designers, Kim Diehl. I love how she mixes her colors and patterns for a real show stopper. It is using her new line of fabric from Henry Glass and a few fillers.
I found that on the duck blocks that you really need to square up each triangle to have a completed block that looks good and symmetrical.
The pattern is called Duck, Duck, Goose. It has a few pieces to sew together per block, however, an intermediate can handle it with ease. If you are a beginner, have a more experienced quilter nearby.
I get to make another quilt for the store, using a pattern from one of my favorite designers, Kim Diehl. I love how she mixes her colors and patterns for a real show stopper. It is using her new line of fabric from Henry Glass and a few fillers.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Cock-a-doodle-doo or is it cluck cluck cluck
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Block Jack..We do this at quilt guild...
Last year, we started "Block Jack" in our quilt guild. It is open to anyone in the guild. A pattern is picked out for the coming month and distributed to the guild. It is optional whether or not you want to participate. You may make 1-3 blocks that you take back the next month and participate in a drawing. The winner takes all. If you win the blocks, it then becomes mandatory that you keep participating. This month the block was Sunbonnet Sue. Never being a fun of Sunbonnet Sue, I didn't make the blocks, however, when I saw how cute they turned out, I feel like I was left out not making one so I will be making some soon.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Check out the new quilt I'm making for the store...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Remember the pilgrims...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Check out my PROGRESS on my garden quilt...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Like my new little tissue holders????
Many thanks to Kim over at bittybitsandpieces.blogspot.com for doing this tutorial on the tissue holders. She showed pumpkin holders and then we were brainstorming at work and came up with the holly leaf for Christmas and a heart for Valentines....etc. They were a blast to make and again thanks, Kim.
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