As a family, we came down to my brother's house for Thanksgiving in St. George. It is a 6 hour drive and so I came adequately prepared with an embroidery project to work on. It is called Dash Away. It has all the reindeer that help pull Santa's sleigh and it is adorable. I'm almost finished with the embroidery and then you color the reindeer in with crayons and put a tiny jingle bell with narrow ribbon on the necks. I'm going to turn this into a long pillow to tuck in some fun corner.
I found this great pattern called YoYoville by Bunnie Hill. I just love this pattern to pieces and nobody in my neck of the woods carries it and I was going to order it over the internet. They had it here in St. George--yahoo!!!!
I also found this great sewing fabric by Michael Miller at the Daisy Cottage here in St. George. Can't wait to figure out what I want to make with this fabulous fabric!!
This little cutie was a charm pack by Sandy Gervais, called Gobble, Gobble. The pattern is named Presidential Pardon...This turkey gets spared by the grace of the president... Happy Thanksgiving to all. Remember to be thankful for your many blessings...
Ever since I bought the book, Easy Does it For Autumn, by Nancy Halverson, I've wanted to make this little mini quilt. Yesterday, I finally sat down and just did it even though I have 5000 other things to do. It's a great reminder to have a Gratitude Attitude. Even those among us with very little have much more than most the people on earth and we have much to be thankful for. Take time Thursday, on Thanksgiving to reflect on the many blessings we actually have and just be thankful.
Saturday, I picked up this magazine at Wal-mart. I noticed that they had these cute make-up pouches in the magazine that claimed it took 60 minutes start to finish. They called for oil cloth, which is a laminated fabric. My dear husband drove me to Preston, ID this morning to the wonderful quilt store, Suppose. They carry the oil cloth that I needed. Here is the article, titled, Zip It!!
Here are the cute little bags that literally sewed up so quickly. The one on the right was the first one I made, taking up only 45 minutes. The one on the left took 30 minutes. It calls for 1/4 yd of fabric per bag. You can get 2 bags and have a piece left over, so it looks like I might make a few more. Fun project!! Give it a try.
Take a sneak peak at these darling Santa bottle covers...would make a fun decoration or be a cute gift for Christmas time. This is another wonderful Nancy Halverson pattern. Fast and fun to sew!!! They hold a 2 liter pop bottle!!!
Being the Nancy Halverson fan that I am, I whipped up these cute turkey hotpads--(not really). A little time intensive, but so very cute and festive for the season. This pattern I revised for the hotpads using her book Acorn Hollow. I'm so excited to be finally making something from this wonderful book. I've had it for years as I collect cute patterns, but have finally made up a few things.
I was really excited that this little mini quilt turned out so cute. It totally sums up just what autumn is--Harvest Blessings. I took the pattern from Acorn Hollow, Nancy Halverson's autumn book from 2005. I have always loved this little book and it is about time I made something from it. I plan to do a few more projects in this book as well...If you haven't guessed by now--Nancy Halverson is one of my favorite designers along with Sandy Gervais and Kim Diehl. What talent....
Fun night at quilt guild. We have a lot of talent and fun quilters...Isn't this the cutest Halloween quilt?
This is a really bad picture of a coffee can organizer. What a clever idea. Love the function of it.
Miss Carrie knitted this sweater about 3 times over for her husband for Christmas. It sure turned out cute.
Disappearing 9-patch done with charm squares...
My sister designed this cute table runner with log cabin blocks and the witches... Here she is again with a completed Halloween table runner to use for next year...
This pretty quilt is done with pre-cuts. Super cute... This is a darling version of Yellow Brick Road...
Isn't this a sweet quilt done in yellow? Love it...Stay tuned for next month and more lovelys to show...
My sister and I planned a Halloween party for the family. We were lucky and had 4 of the siblings there along with husbands, and nieces and children. My brother was in Seattle, my mom not feeling well and my sister had her daughter up from Arizona. My other brother is in St. George. We sure had fun. The requirements for our party: Bring a sp00ky Halloween dish. Don't you love this graveyard chocolate pudding? It was yummy.... Check out these mumified ghosts claiming these delicious cupcakes....Other menu items included Halloween brownies, a fun orange Halloween jello salad, Witches brew, pulled witch pork, broccoli boo salad and spider soup with boney fingers (breadsticks). It was a blast. We played some games and visited...
Our guests of honor--we were lucky to have Snow White visit us along with ....
Spooky the cat, whoalso joined in the fun...
I made Lucy a tutu--but she kept trying to wiggle out of that one...can't say I blame her... Feel free to share some of your Halloween traditions. I love hearing what others do...Till next year. For now we will put away the goblins...