I've been tagged!!
Rules of the Game:
List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsession/collections, and 3 random surprises about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
Here goes...3 Joys
Joy #1 Good Health
Joy #2 Curtis, the most handsome man in the world
Joy #3 Quilting, is there anything else?
3 Fears
Fear #1 I am a total Nervous Nelly when driving. I have a fear someone will hit me.
Fear #2 I fear a natural disaster like being in an earthquake. Did you know I was caught with my pants down in an earthquake in California....
Fear #3 I am afraid of being mugged.
3 Goals
Goal #1 To get all of my stash sewn up--this probably will be ongoing for quite a while, maybe a lifetime
Goal #2 To take my family on a fun vacation
Goal #3 To finish up my basement and do some fixing up in the house
3 Current Obsessions/Collections
Obsession #1 I collect patterns..for some reason they speak to me and call out my name
Obsession #2 I collect fabric for the same reason above
Obsession #3 I collect roosters the inanimate ones of course (I even make wall quilts of them)
3 Random Surprises
Surprise #1 I've always wanted to be an attorney
Surprise #2 I can't swim well--I sink
Surprise #3 I learned to read and write while living in Scotland at the tender age of 4.
I need to tag 5 people, so I tag: Alissa Kae, Curtis, Annette, Carolyn, Aunt Denice